From the last part of this post I mentioned that the audience will take all the blame for delaying our performance and thus leads our performance to an ugly end. But after I loaded and watched the whole performance of our class at the choir competition I changed my mind a bit. That is because our class has some SERIOUS error at the 'beat'(pictures later), but most of the blame is taken by the audience since I already said - No clapping hands/wooing between two songs performed by the same group.
Here are some pictures to support my point:
Pic 1 & 2: Wei Yi lowering his head after the "enthusiastic" audience keeps on clapping their hands after Candlelight Carol has Finished:

Pic 3: EXTREME off beat during the sentence "...and when the Saints go marching out into glory..." (by boys)

Pic 4, 5 & 6: SMALL ERRORS, this don't really count as a fault since they are careless mistakes on the hand expressions and signs and don't really mess with the points (According to professional judge hand expressions and signs only counts as 2~5 marks under the "Creativity" section)
*The difference of time between Pic 4 and Pic 5 are around 3~5 seconds

*Pic 6: Errr the picture is kinda self-explanatory

Well..... expect part 3 (Final part) very soon...... or a very long period later......
(You can see the YouTube video for this, uploaded by Onionfollower at