Monday, October 4, 2010

The Researcher Effect

Well on my last post I went and rant about me being a "RESEARCHER" and all.

And today my friend just commented on me and the RESEARCHER.

He did not see my post here, that's for sure. After all, he asked me, "Did you do anything in the Journal?". As his question shows, being a RESEARCHER = not doing anything AKA doing "research" but not released.

I did explained to him later. And he apologized. We're still friends. End of story.



Don't ever become a RESEARCHER.
As RESEARCHER = not doing anything = useless person who gets the glory without working out

And more, RESEARCHER = a person who exist but the RESEARCH is non-existent = faker


Sometimes this incident make me thinking,
did the editorial board do this on purpose so that they would rather offend one person than a three/four people. As my project spans for four pages and it is made by me only, ditching my project means offending me only. If they ditched some other projects, such as 2012 (a 4 page article, p.s. no offense), they would offend the whole group which is made up of 3 members who did the project together. So, guess I was unlucky this year being ditched and pissed off and all. But whatever the case I would improve my English even more, though I do confess that luck is very important too.

Just a short note:

TTYi's new album!
[Anim8or Sucks]
To be featured on next post.
(just doing for fun, don't be too serious about it)

Looking forward to it.

Friday, October 1, 2010



Researcher (noun)
1. One who conducts research. In the field of scientific research, also called an investigator or scientist.
2. One who inquires
3. A scientist who devotes himself to doing research

Why does this word strike my mind, you say?

Well, it is because I'm called a RESEARCHER for typing out a whole document, finding pictures related to the topic I'm working on, editing pictures to provide extra tidbits of fun and not to mention doing the RESEARCH on the topic before I actually started to work on my project.

Well, there aren't what a typical RESEARCHES does, right? According to the meaning/synonyms I stated above, a RESEARCHER is just about RESEARCHING, meaning ask a question, then finds out the truth through experimenting and more experimenting.

That is definitely not my case.

I wondered what went wrong.
My progress of finding sources and shortening it was smooth.
Finding the right pictures are troublesome, but rewarding in the end.
Typing the document is the best part as I study when I type.

In the end, what did I get?

Because my work is not published, or in a better term, dumped.

Though she did apologized to me, and that happened on the day where I get the completed copy of the magazine. If I knew sooner, I will do my best to shorten it even more, even though I don't know whether that is the reason or not. And she is not part of the editorial team, you know, those persons in charge.

Haha! Now isn't that something I could be proud about.

Now I finally understand that the Magazine prefers Quality over Quantity.
Though I still fail to understand what went wrong on my part.

Is my topic going off course? Is it not "hot" enough? I don't think so.
Everyone likes to play games right? That is exactly what my topic about.

Though I guess the World Cup, 2012, Social Networking and stuffs about Sleeping is much more "hotter" this year.

Shucks. Better luck next year.
I'll be senior 2 already, hope I can hang on.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Yay! My Birthday!

Yay after such long anticipation and anxiety I finally reached my 17th Birthday~

My family brought me for Sushi at One Utama! My treat! Yet not my pay! (lolz)

And thanks to those who wished me a happy birthday. Good day!

Friday, May 14, 2010

An "Interesting" Article from Wiki - Schizophrenia

If you ask me, I don't know how to pronounce that word, nor its origins.
I just happened to stumble onto this article when I'm... down, earlier today.

Meaning of this word : a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality.

Quite a surprise, someone I know has this kind of abnormalities. He (I forgot his/her gender) is always in a different mood whenever I saw him. He will be cherry sometimes, something angry like hell, and something sad (I didn't see him in a sad mood once).

When he is happy, he laughs more than our BC teacher do. (And I must say our BC teacher has quite an impressive laugh - very entertaining) When he is angry, he will xxxx us and scold everyone near him.

WARNING: This guy/gal is EXTREMELY UNPREDICTABLE (Though the location might change the results)

-It's just a joke-
I am talking about fps. Really, 1000 fps is like so cool, and everything will just ZOOM~ over in less that a second. Games that we currently play normally does not exceed 100 fps, but there are some high-graphics ones that will exceed 100 fps, but normally not more that 500 fps. I cannot imagine a game or a movie that is 1000 fps, I mean, how long will it take the graphics designer to finish all of those pictures? 1 day 1 frame? That sounded stupid but I think we'll reach that point of technology sooner or later.

And BTW for Senior 1 ppl learning Anim8or, this is quite the extent of Anim8or, not those spaceships and honey stars we're been doing so long: (Link: -=[FAQ/Manual]=- Modeling a car )

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Parodies: Sometimes Good! Sometimes Bad!

Ever heard of a "parody"?

A "parody" is like a remake version of a song by fans, not by the artist themselves.
I'd been listening to a lot of English songs these days.
Some artists are simply...... Astonishing!

Such as Jason Derulo, Iyaz, Alicia Keys, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga(In some ways), Timbaland, Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and so much more.

They sang nice songs, I mean REALLY nice songs that I would listen to them for about 5 times a day but never get bored of them.

Though there were still singers that SUCKED! I mean, they just simple SUCKED.

Such as Paramore (Which I'll discuss next time)

Even though I did not really like Rock music, but even those rock bands like Muse and OneRepublic sounded sooooooooooo much better than Paramore.
To put it in one line: Paramore sucks! Sucks like hell!

(Ahem) Back to the topic.
Since I have so many songs that I like, I'm always interested in some fan-made cover of those songs, so I just went to YouTube and typed:

then I get:

WHOA! A whole bun'cha search results.
So I'd just go and listen to the first one.
(The "Glitter Puke - Key of Awesome" one)
And guess what? It is pretty nice, as some of the comments said that it is "Better than Original"

For those of you who are interested, the video is right here:

And there are still a few more that is nice, such as:

Owl City - Fireflies (Parody - Ikea)

Wonder Girls - Nobody (Parody - Wash Your Hands Too)

Taylor Swift - Love Story (Parody - Space Story)

I hope the three parodies above will give you song entertainment.
Now I will share with you the WORST PARODY I'd ever heard in my life, and it was like 10 Billion miles away from the original song.

Let me share some opinions of mine on this so-called, "song":
Linkin Park - New Divide (Parody - no title)

The singer is HORRIBLE, I'd give him an F or even Z (if the ranks even go that far) for his singing skills. He cannot control his pitch and tries to use fake voice
to "lift" his voice to the peak (1:22/2:35 in the video). OH MY GOSH! Such a good song is changed by him into a TOTAL CATASTROPHE!!!!!!!!!!

He also 走音走到爆! I will say WTF for that. Now onto the lyrics, the lyrics was poorly written. An originally 5-word sentence was changed into a 7-word "rap", and the pieces does not fit. And I think that "kid" was very hungry during the production cause a whole lotta lyrics was changed into FOOD!!!!!


Original: I remembered black skies, the lighting all around me...
Parody: I remembered good steak, the burgers all around me...

Original: I remembered each flash, as time began to purge...
Parody: I remembered each bite, as juice began to drip...

You can say WTF now, but wait till you see the rest...

Original: So give me reason, to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean...
Parody: So give me salad, to top each bread, to wash my dirty hands clean...

Original: Give me reason, to fill this hole, connect the space within...
Parody: Give me fork~, to eat this hole, savor this sweet goodness...

Original: Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies, across this new divide!
Parody: Let it melt~~~~ in your mouth~~~~, the sweet and sour~~~~~, inside this new diner!

So as WTF now, I'm enough of comparison, continuing this (insert rude word) is a complete waste of my time. Those comparisons are for entertainment purposes.

P/S: Next time I'll rant on my hate of Paramore, cause IT really SUCKED!

Here are some pictures of the "hungry kid":